{# This file contains form help translations because those strings are not extracted automatically It is put here intentially to be considered by JMSTranslation #} {{ "Set the display order for the featured categories"|trans ~ "This email address will be used to receive the quote requests, make sure to mention it if you want to show the quote form"|trans ~ "Make sure to select right category to let the users find it quickly"|trans ~ "Choose the right image to represent your event (We recommend using at least a 1200x600px (2:1 ratio) image )"|trans ~ "Add other images that represent your event to be displayed as a gallery"|trans ~ "You can introduce the event details in multiple locales"|trans ~ "Select the languages that will be spoken in your event"|trans ~ "Select the audience types that are targeted in your event"|trans ~ "Select the country that your event represents (ie: A movie's country of production)"|trans ~ "If you have an Youtube video that represents your event, add it in the standard format: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzG4uDgje3M"|trans ~ "If your event has a dedicated website, enter its url here"|trans ~ "Enter the list of artists that will perform in your event (press Enter after each entry)"|trans ~ "To help attendee find your event quickly, enter some keywords that identify your event (press Enter after each entry)"|trans ~ "If your event is a movie for example, select the available subtitles"|trans ~ "If your event is a movie for example, select the year of release"|trans ~ "Enter the phone number to be called for inquiries"|trans ~ "Show the attendees number and list in the event page"|trans ~ "Early bird, General admission, VIP..."|trans ~ "Tell your attendees more about this ticket type"|trans ~ "Show a map at the bottom of your organizer profile page containing the venues you added"|trans ~ "Optionally add a cover photo to showcase your organizer activities"|trans ~ "Show the number and list of people that follow you"|trans ~ "Go to the documentation to get help about getting an app ID" |trans ~ "Go to the documentation to get help about setting up Disqus"|trans ~ "SSL must be activated on your hosting server in order to use Mailchimp"|trans ~ "Go to the documentation to get help about getting an api key"|trans ~ "Go to the documentation to get help about getting a list id"|trans ~ "Make sure to select organizers who have added a cover photo"|trans ~ "Select the parent category to add a sub category"|trans ~ "Number of seconds before the reserved tickets are released if the order is still awaiting payment"|trans ~ "The event date stats (sales and attendance) will be visible on the scanner app"|trans ~ "Enabling sales for an event date does not affect the tickets individual sale status"|trans ~ "This fee will be added to the ticket sale price which are bought from a point of sale, put 0 to disable additional fees for tickets which are bought from a point of sale, does not apply for free tickets, will be applied to future orders"|trans ~ "This percentage will be deducted from each ticket sold online, upon organizer payout request, this percentage will be taken from each ticket sold online, will be applied to future orders"|trans ~ "This percentage will be deducted from each ticket sold on a point of sale, upon organizer payout request, this percentage will be taken from each ticket sold on a point of sale, will be applied to future orders"|trans ~ "Editing the title after the event is saved won't change the event url"|trans ~ "Please choose a 200x50 image size to ensure compatibility with the website design"|trans ~ "We recommend a 48x48 image size"|trans ~ "Enter the chosen website name with no spaces and no uppercase characters (for SEO purposes)"|trans ~ "Enter the full website url"|trans ~ "Enter the website url without http nor https"|trans ~ "Enter the chosen primary color code (i.e #ffffff)"|trans ~ "Please make sure to change this parameter also in .env file at the root folder of the project as it is required in some external bundle"|trans ~ "Go to the Pages section in the settings to add a new page"|trans ~ "Enter the website url without http nor https, Please make sure to change this parameter also in .env file at the root folder of the project as it is required in some external bundle"|trans ~ "This fee will be added to the ticket sale price which are bought online, put 0 to disable additional fees for tickets which are bought online, does not apply for free tickets, will be applied to future orders"|trans ~ "Select the categories that represent your events types"|trans ~ "Show the reviews that you received for your events"|trans ~ "Enter the email address to be reached for inquiries"|trans ~ "Set a price lesser than than the original price to indicate a promotion (this price will be the SALE price)"|trans ~ "Set the number of tickets that an attendee can buy for this ticket type"|trans ~ "Besides the qr code scanning feature, the scanner account will be able to check in the attendees using a list and a button"|trans ~ "Make sure that the added payment gateways are configured to support this currency"|trans ~ "Development environment is used for development purposes only"|trans ~ "App Debugging"|trans ~ "Enable to display stacktraces on error pages or if cache files should be dynamically rebuilt on each request"|trans ~ "Enable maintenance mode to display a maintenance page for all users but the users who are granted the ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR role, if you lost your session, you can edit the MAINTENANCE_MODE parameter directly in the .env file"|trans ~ 'Project wide date and time format, follow this link for a list of supported characters: https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/format_parse/datetime/ . Please make sure to keep the double quotes " " around the format string'|trans ~ 'Used in some specific cases, follow this link for a list of supported characters: https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.format.php . Please make sure to keep the double quotes " " around the format string'|trans ~ "Leave api key empty to disable google maps project wide"|trans ~ "This is a string that should be unique to your application and it is commonly used to add more entropy to security related operations"|trans ~ "Please choose a 200x200 minimum image size as it is required by Facebook"|trans ~ "Please refer to this following list and use the Code column: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217"|trans ~ "This email address will be used as the sender of all the emails sent by the platform, in almost all cases, it is the same as the username above"|trans ~ "This email address will receive the contact form messages"|trans ~ "For 'Cash / Check / Bank Transfer / Other', the order will remain on the 'Awaiting payment' status until the organizer or the administrator approves it"|trans }}