{% extends "Global/layout.html.twig" %} {% set pagetitle = 'Manage audiences' | trans %} {% block title %}{{pagetitle}}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% set navigation = [{ "dashboard_index": ('Dashboard' | trans), "current":(pagetitle) }] %} {% include "Global/navigation.html.twig" with navigation %}
{{ "%resultsCount% result(s) found"|trans({'%resultsCount%': audiences.getTotalItemCount}) }}
{% if audiences.getTotalItemCount > 0 %}
{% for audience in audiences %} {% endfor %}
{{'Name' | trans}} {{'Events count' | trans}} {{'Image' | trans}} {{'Status' | trans}}
{{ audience.name }} {{ audience.events|length }} {% if audience.hidden %} {{ "Hidden"|trans }} {% else %} {{ "Visible"|trans }} {% endif %} {% if audience.deletedAt %}

{{ "Deleted"|trans }} {% endif %}
{{ knp_pagination_render(audiences, null, {}, {'align': 'center'}) }}
{% else %} {% include "Global/message.html.twig" with { type: "info", message: ('No audiences found'|trans), icon: "fas fa-exclamation-circle" } %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}