{% extends "Global/layout.html.twig" %} {% set pagetitle = 'Payout request details' | trans %} {% block title %}{{pagetitle}}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% set navigation = [{"dashboard_organizer_payout_requests": ("Payout requests"|trans), "current":(pagetitle)}] %} {% include "Global/navigation.html.twig" with navigation %}
{% if is_granted("ROLE_ORGANIZER") and payoutRequest.status == 0 %} {% include "Global/message.html.twig" with { type: "info", message: ('Once the payout request submitted, the event date will be locked and the sales will be suspended for the specific event date. If you wish, you can wait until the start date of the event date before requesting the payout. You can cancel the payout request any time before it is processed'|trans), icon: "fas fa-exclamation-circle" } %} {% endif %}
  • {{ "Reference"|trans }}
    {{ payoutRequest.reference }}
  • {{ "Requested at"|trans }}
    {{ payoutRequest.createdAt|localizeddate('none', 'none', app.request.locale, date_timezone, date_format) }}
  • {% if payoutRequest.status != 0 %}
  • {{ "Processed at"|trans }}
    {{ payoutRequest.updatedAt|localizeddate('none', 'none', app.request.locale, date_timezone, date_format) }}
  • {% endif %}
  • {{ "Status"|trans }}
    {{ payoutRequest.stringifyStatus|trans }} {% if payoutRequest.deletedAt %}

    {{ "Deleted"|trans }} {% endif %}
  • {% if payoutRequest.note %}
  • {{ "Note"|trans }}
    {{ payoutRequest.note }}
  • {% endif %}
  • {{ "Organizer"|trans }}
    {{ payoutRequest.organizer.name }}
  • {{ "Event"|trans }}
    {{ payoutRequest.eventDate.event.name }}
  • {{ "Date"|trans }}
    {{ payoutRequest.eventDate.startdate|localizeddate('none', 'none', app.request.locale, date_timezone, date_format) }}
  • {{ "Venue"|trans }}
    {{ payoutRequest.eventDate.venue ? (payoutRequest.eventDate.venue.name ~ ": " ~ payoutRequest.eventDate.venue.stringifyAddress()) : ("Online"|trans) }}
  • {{ "Tickets sold"|trans }} {% if is_granted("ROLE_ORGANIZER") %} {{ "View detailed statistics"|trans }} {% elseif is_granted("ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR") %} {{ "View detailed statistics"|trans }} {% endif %}
    {{ payoutRequest.eventDate.getOrderElementsQuantitySum }}
  • {{ "Payout method"|trans }}
  • {{ "Gross sales"|trans }}
    {{ services.getSetting('currency_position') == 'left' ? services.getSetting('currency_symbol') : '' }}{{ payoutRequest.eventDate.getSales }}{{ services.getSetting('currency_position') == 'right' ? services.getSetting('currency_symbol') : '' }}
  • {{ "Percentage cut"|trans }}
    {{ services.getSetting('currency_position') == 'left' ? services.getSetting('currency_symbol') : '' }}{{ payoutRequest.eventDate.getTicketPricePercentageCutSum }}{{ services.getSetting('currency_position') == 'right' ? services.getSetting('currency_symbol') : '' }}
  • {{ "Net sales"|trans }}
    {{ services.getSetting('currency_position') == 'left' ? services.getSetting('currency_symbol') : '' }}{{ payoutRequest.eventDate.getOrganizerPayoutAmount }}{{ services.getSetting('currency_position') == 'right' ? services.getSetting('currency_symbol') : '' }}

{% if is_granted('ROLE_ORGANIZER') %} {% if payoutRequest.status == 0 %} {{ "Cancel"|trans }} {% endif %} {% elseif is_granted('ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR') %} {% if payoutRequest.status == 1 or payoutRequest.status == -2 %} {{ "Payment details"|trans }} {% elseif payoutRequest.status == 0 %} {{ "Amount" }}: {{ services.getSetting('currency_position') == 'left' ? services.getSetting('currency_symbol') : '' }}{{ payoutRequest.eventDate.getOrganizerPayoutAmount }}{{ services.getSetting('currency_position') == 'right' ? services.getSetting('currency_symbol') : '' }}
{{ 'Payout method'|trans }}: {{ payoutRequest.paymentGateway.name }}"> {{ "Approve"|trans }}
{{ "Cancel"|trans }} {% endif %} {% if payoutRequest.deletedAt %} {{ "Delete permanently"|trans }} {{ "Restore"|trans }} {% else %} {{ "Delete"|trans }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if is_granted("ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR") and payoutRequest.status == 1 or payoutRequest.status == -2 %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}